How to deal with someone who is Bipolar and Angry

Dealing with bipolar people is not easy. Bipolar disorder is a problem in the brain. It affects roughly 5.7 million American adults.
Their moods can oscillate, moving from the highs of mania to the lows of depression. Sometimes, they may even grapple with extreme anger tied to this disorder.
Do you need help managing bipolar disorder and issues of rage? Consider Treasure Behavioral Health. Our staff is skilled in addressing mental health and addiction. Call us to learn more.
Understanding the disorder and dealing with situations is key to maintaining healthy interactions and giving effective assistance.
So how to deal with someone who is bipolar and angry with empathy and practical strategies?

What Is Bipolar Disorder?

Bipolar disorder is a type of mental health issue. It makes a person undergo big swings in mood.
Sometimes they might feel on top of the world, full of energy, which is called mania. Other times, they might dip into a deep sadness or depression.
These sudden shifts in mood can cause discomfort. It can make the person have emotional breakdowns and behave unconventionally.
Types of bipolar disorder are:

  • Bipolar I Disorder: This one is marked by one or more periods of intense happiness, possibly mixed with sad times.
  • Bipolar II Disorder: It involves one or more sad periods and at least one period of mild happiness but no intense happiness.
  • Cyclothymic Disorder: This type features times of happiness symptoms and sadness symptoms. These last for at least two years (or one year in kids and adults), but they do not meet the full requirements for a happy or sad period.

The Connection Between Bipolar Disorder and Anger

When learning how to deal with someone who is bipolar and angry, it is crucial to know how their condition affects their emotions.
Bipolar disorder influences their feelings significantly. Mood changes and intolerance are typically caused by bipolar disorder, occasionally resulting in extreme rages or anger, particularly if the disorder is untreated.
During a manic episode, they might make poor choices. Their feelings can become very strong, and they might quickly go from annoyed to angry. They might do risky things without thinking. Signs of mania are:

  • Doing dangerous things without thinking
  • Talking very fast and changing topics a lot
  • Having lots of racing thoughts
  • Feeling very nervous
  • Not sleeping much
  • Feeling too confident or powerful

Sometimes, during mania, they might see or hear things that aren’t real, increasing anger and thoughts of suicide.
Even during depressive episodes, people may still experience anger due to guilt and negative self-view. Signs include:

  • Feeling sad or anxious
  • Talking slowly
  • Trouble sleeping or sleeping too much
  • Losing interest in things they used to enjoy
  • Feeling hopeless or worthless
  • Having trouble making decisions

What Is Bipolar Rage?

When a person with bipolar disorder has sudden, strong fits of anger, it is known as bipolar rage. Little things can set off a huge, sudden reaction during these periods.
This rage can go as far as yelling, hostility, or even physical conflict. Unlike regular anger, this type is more intense and difficult to handle.
Those facing bipolar rage require therapy to help regulate their feelings and better their conduct.

How to Deal with Someone Who is Bipolar and Angry?

No matter why someone with bipolar disorder gets angry, the main question is: how to deal with someone who is bipolar and angry?
Keeping happiness in a relationship is simpler with the right techniques. Knowing more about this disorder can predict these episodes.
With time, you will master the best response. Here are a few strategies for dealing with such anger:

  • Please do not argue with them, and it can make things worse.
  • Hold them responsible for their actions.
  • Do not give in to every demand.
  • Understand and respect their limits.
  • Set and keep your boundaries.
  • Be honest when you talk.
  • Avoid things that might make them more upset.
  • Stay positive and supportive.
  • Don’t argue about things that do not make sense.
  • Keep calm and stay in control.

What Happens When You Ignore a Bipolar Person?

Ignoring someone with bipolar disorder can have a variety of negative consequences. Here’s what might happen:

  • Feeling Worse: The person might feel worse and have more severe symptoms.
  • Feeling Lonely: They might feel lonelier and more isolated. Relationship problems can damage your relationship with them and make it harder to connect.
  • Misunderstandings: They might think you don’t care, leading to confusion and conflict.
  • More Serious Problems: Ignoring things during a difficult time can worsen things and lead to a crisis.
  • Less Support: They might miss out on important support that helps them cope with their condition.

In general, it is important to show empathy and support, even if it is necessary to set boundaries.

How to Set Boundaries with a Bipolar Person?

Setting boundaries with a bipolar person requires a thoughtful approach:

  • Communicate Clearly and Compassionately

Be open about your limits. Use “I” messages to share your wants and emotions, but do not finger-point. Make sure your voice sounds encouraging and non-judgmental.

  • Be Consistent and Flexible

Being consistent keeps things steady, but be prepared to change limits due to their current emotions and how well their treatment is going.

  • Learn about Their Reactions and Habits

Please learn what sets off their emotions and recurring habits, then adjust your limits to sidestep fights and handle stress well.

  • Seek Professional Guidance

Reach out to mental health professionals for advice on handling limits and help with their treatment plan while also looking after your wellness.

  • Practice Self-Care

Always look after your mental and emotional health to stay strong and capable when overseeing limits.

How Can You Control Bipolar Anger?

Methods like therapy and medication are also beneficial in controlling bipolar anger. Mood stabilizers are common help for lasting manic or depressive feelings.
Medicines that control psychosis can also guide mood fluctuations.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) proves beneficial in bipolar disorder cases. It helps people identify and adapt toxic thoughts and actions, lowering impulsive deeds.
These daily activities can help control bipolar anger and reduce incidents:

  1. Maintain a mood diary
  2. Follow a healthy diet
  3. Regular physical activity
  4. Keep to a usual routine
  5. Stay away from alcohol and drugs
  6. Inform your doctor about new symptoms
  7. Follow medication instructions


When you are faced with a bipolar angry person, it can be challenging. However, using proper techniques can make it easier.
So, how to deal with someone who is bipolar and angry? Dealing with someone who is bipolar and angry is not impossible.
Stay calm, listen to them, set clear boundaries, and suggest they seek professional help. Your support and self-care can positively impact their well-being.
Remember, managing bipolar disorder takes time, but with persistence and gentle care, both parties can work through it together.


What is the outcome of arguing with a bipolar person?

Arguments can speed up quickly with bipolar people due to their sudden mood changes and strong feelings. It is vital to stay calm and not make the situation worse.

 How to handle bipolar rage attacks?

To manage bipolar rage attacks:

  1. Use calming methods like deep breathing.
  2. Work with your therapist to find out what causes your rage and avoid those things.
  3. Always follow your medication and therapy plan to remain in control.

How can I effectively deal with a partner with bipolar disorder?

Communicate openly and keep learning about bipolar disorder When dealing with a partner with bipolar disorder. Be a rock of strength, encourage therapy, and don’t forget to attend to your needs as well.

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