Sleep Apnea

Have you ever wondered about the intriguing connection between a deviated septum and sleep apnea? Can a deviated septum cause sleep apnea? Given that both illnesses entail breathing during sleep, it would seem reasonable to believe that they are related at first glance.
But the truth is a little more nuanced than a simple “yes” or “no.”
There are several types of sleep apnea, the most common of which is obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). It is a condition in which the upper airway gets partially or totally closed as you sleep.
This can cause breathing problems and frequent nighttime awakenings.
Even though a deviated septum can have a major impact on the onset or worsening of sleep apnea. Numerous variables frequently combine to cause sleep apnea. You may rely on Treasure Behavioral Health for making you life worry-free ahead!

Deviated Septum Sleep Apnea

When the thin wall (septum) that divides the two nasal passages becomes misaligned or shifts out of its normal position, it is known as a deviated septum. The resultant nasal passage is uneven due to this displacement.
There are many different causes of a deviated septum, and they frequently combine a number of elements, such as ones you may have been born with, experiences you’ve had, and even a little family history.
Reach out to us for advice and support regarding sleep apnea.

Sleep Apnea Deviated Septum

Head back and gaze into the mirror. You could have a deviated septum if your nostrils are uneven or differ in size.

  • Another way to find out might be to use the deviated septum self-test:
  • Close one of your nostrils with your finger.
  • Inhale and take note of the airflow. Consider how simple or complex it is to breathe via that particular nostril.
  • You may have a deviated septum if you have trouble breathing through one or both nostrils.

This exam might be a useful tool for self-assessment. Nevertheless, receiving a diagnosis from a medical professional is the only reliable method to determine whether you have a deviated septum.

Can A Deviated Septum Cause Sleep Apnea?

Indeed, sleep apnea can be brought on by a divergence from the spectrum. A person with a deviation spectrum condition may be more likely to experience difficulties sleeping.
On the other hand, there are certain signs to watch out for whether a deviation is creating issues; these include:

  • Chronic blockage
  • Yawning
  • Bleeding noses
  • Headaches or face pain
  • Decreased nasal airflow
  • Breathing problems while you sleep
  • Sleeping on one side to make breathing easier
  • Frequent nose illnesses
  • One bigger nasal cavity

Sleep Apnea Due to Deviated Septum

Chronic blockage in one or both nostrils; roaring; a nosebleed; headaches or face pain; decreased nasal airflow; difficulty breathing while you sleep; sleeping on one side to make breathing easier; frequent head problems; one enlarged sinus cavity.
A deviation happens when one nasal cavity is smaller than the other due to a crooked septum wall.
Only those with a severe deviation need treatment; most people have a minor deviation that is naturally occurring and does not create discomfort or difficulties.

Sleep Apnea Deviated Septum

The central wall (the bones and cartilage) that separates the left and right nasal cavities is called the nasal septum. A deviation happens when one nasal cavity is smaller than the other due to a crooked septum wall.

What Causes a Deviated Septum?

A fractured nose, for example, can result in a deviated septum. Participating in contact sports is one of the other factors.

  • Vehicle collisions.
  • Declines.
  • Physical altercations and fights.

For instance, it may be brought on by difficult deliveries or connective tissue diseases.

The End Note

You’re not alone if you’re having trouble falling asleep. This disorder is prevalent in today’s population. Nonetheless, there are helpful remedies out there.
There are ways to lessen the symptoms of a deviated septum and enhance your breathing, ranging from surgery to lifestyle modifications.
See a physician, heed the advice in this piece, and give your sleep hygiene top priority. You may receive the restorative sleep you require to be at your best with a little effort to conquer your sleep issues.
To obtain more information and select the best services that you believe are essential for your treatment, schedule an appointment with Treasure Behavioral Health.


Will fixing a deviated septum stop sleep apnea?

Septoplasty is a surgical procedure that straightens a deviated septum to improve breathing and relieve some of the symptoms of sleep apnea, though it is not usually a cure in and of itself.

What sleep disorder is related to a deviated septum?

Many sleep disorders, including sleep apnea, discomfort, and dry mouth from mouth breathing, can be brought on by a deviated septum.

Can a deviated septum cause lack of oxygen to the brain?

A deviated septum can seriously impair your quality of life by reducing breathing during the day and, more importantly, at night, when it can lead to low brain oxygen levels, restless nights, and even snoring.

Is deviated septum surgery worth it?

For people with a deviated septum, septoplasty can greatly improve quality of life by improving breathing, reducing nasal discomfort, improving sleep, and offering a permanent solution.

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