What Are The 4 Types of OCD

In our culture, people who are facing the issue of OCD are commonly named as “germaphobes.” There are a lot of signs that make such sorts of people different from others.
The most vital thing is they don’t bear the messy rooms and try to fix things. Likewise, they carry the sanitizers all the time with themselves.
But what are the 4 types of OCD? Here, we’ll discuss OCD and its various forms. Let’s dig deep and discover the truth!
Many people with OCD worry about cleanliness and contamination. By contrast, not all of them. Obsessions and compulsions linked with OCD can be divided into four categories.
When dealing with OCD, there is a solution to every problem. You can contact Treasure Behavioral Health to learn about OCD treatment guidelines and options.

What is OCD?

OCD is a mental illness that causes ongoing unwanted thoughts or desires. OCD is not about bad habits like biting your nails or having negative thoughts.
For example, a compulsive habit is to wash your hands multiple times after touching something dirty. You feel compelled to do so despite your desire to stop thinking or doing these things.
Things still need to be clarified for you. There is no need to worry at all! You can contact us for more information and details on the OCD treatment.

Symmetrical OCD

People suffering from Symmetry OCD become fixated on the position. They arrange the specific objects.
Moreover, they feel uncomfortable and distressed when they encounter difficulties arranging things just like they want. They get exhausted when items are not properly aligned or appear incomplete.
People with this type of OCD will struggle if the words they write have an unfavorable shape. Sometimes, they try to improve the writing when it is not perfectly aligned with the line.

What Are The 4 Types Of OCD?

Although there are many kinds of OCD, four of the most frequent kinds are described below:
1. Cleaning OCD
This type is characterized by obsessive fears of germs, filth, or contamination, which lead to obsessive washing or avoidance behaviors.
2. Order OCD
This subtype has a fascination with perfection, symmetry, and exactness. Compulsions often include organizing and setting up items that satisfy these needs.
3. Harm OCD
Individuals with self-harm OCD have troubling ideas or fears about harming themselves or others. Obsessions may include monitoring behaviors to make sure that nothing bad has happened.
4. Hoarding OCD
Hoarding is the inability to let go of possessions, even when they are no longer useful. This can result in excessive clutter and a reluctance to part with belongings.

OCD Stages

The OCD cycle is made up of four major components: obsessions, anxiety, compulsions, and temporary relief.
Stage 1: Obsession
Obsessions are unwelcome distressing thoughts, impulses, fears, intrusions, photographs, or doubts. Obsessions can sound like: “What if,” “Do it,” “You know you want to,” “You’re going to,” “I am,” and “It’s only an issue of time before you.”
Obsessions are frightening and seem very real. OCD sufferers go to any length to get rid of their obsessions.
Stage 2: Compulsions Behaviors
Compulsions are behaviors in which a person engages to eliminate the anxiety caused by their obsessions. Compulsions can be psychological as well as physical.
OCD sufferers are often unaware of their mental rituals! Being exposed, response prevention stays effective in treating OCD across all subtypes.
Stage 3: Relief
OCD sufferers quickly realize that the more they indulge in one specific compulsion, the shorter their relief lasts. In perpetually looking for relief, OCD sufferers develop new compulsions to feel better.
Every time a person engages in compulsive behavior, it strengthens the specific fear, causing the OCD to grow larger. Patients realize that it is never enough, and OCD is never happy.

Related Read: Why does OCD feel so real? 

List of Mental Compulsions OCD

  • Reassurance
  • Rumination
  • Checking
  • Cleaning or washing
  • Compulsive prayer
  • Contamination obsessions
  • Hoarding disorder
  • Avoidance
  • Replaying memories

Other Words For OCD

There are a lot of other words used for the OCD. These include the following:

  • Neurotic
  • Schizoid
  • Disordered
  • Schizophrenic
  • Paranoiac
  • Paranoid
  • Paranoic
  • Sociopathic

Can you have multiple types of OCD?

When someone is diagnosed with OCD, they may exhibit a variety of obsessions and compulsions.
Anecdotally, many clients frequently have multiple obsessions or compulsive behaviors, and sometimes both.
In short, yes, OCD can manifest in a variety of ways.
In these complex situations, the treatment method should be appropriate. It emphasizes that the efficacy of the treatment depends on:

  • How motivated the person is to engage in treatment.
  • Finding the most effective therapeutic approach for their unique case.

Examples of OCD

  • Unevenly organizing pillows on a couch or bed.
  • Randomly placing books with varying heights.
  • Parking differently.
  • Reaching only one side of the body.
  • Requesting someone to touch a specific part of the body.
  • Taking walks with one foot on a carpet or one on the floor.

Concluding Words

What are the 4 types of OCD? Thus, OCD can manifest in four ways: pollution, doubt, organization, and unacceptable ideas. Obsessions and compulsions about contamination and germs are the most common types of OCD, but they can affect a wide range of topics.
Many people suffering from OCD experience a variety of symptoms. They frequently have related disorders and mental illnesses, making initial diagnosis difficult.
Regardless of the type of OCD you have, treatments like ERP therapy can help you reduce symptoms and reclaim your life.


Which type of OCD is most common?

Being preoccupied with contamination is perhaps the most common display of OCD, followed by cleaning compulsions.

What is the hardest form of OCD?

Obsessional OCD has been dubbed “one of the most troubling and challenging forms of OCD People with this type of OCD have “disturbing and unwelcome ideas show into their head often.

What are the 4 patterns of OCD?

The four patterns of OCD include the as:

  1. Washing
  2. Checking
  3. Rearranging
  4. Doubts

What are 5 OCD symptoms?

  1. Fear of germs and spoilage.
  2. Fear of omitting, losing, or misplacing items.
  3. Fear of losing control of one’s actions.
  4. Violent thoughts towards others or themselves.
  5. Desired and forbidden.

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