Top 10 Phobias

Are you feeling some insects crawling in your whole body? Does an air flight take your fears to a new height? If so, you’re not alone.
Phobias are the most common psychiatric disease among women. Equally, these are the second most common in men. We’ll explore the top 10 phobias here and strategies to overcome them.
Similarly, these phobias affect 10% of U.S. adults each year. These phobias naturally arise during childhood and continue into maturity.
Luckily, phobias are curable situations. Therapies and medications can eradicate or reduce them.
Thus, keep in contact with Dr. Roberta Iyamu at Treasure Behavioral Health. She’ll examine your condition and recommend the best solutions for a worry-free life!

What to Know About Phobias?

Phobias are like big, scary thoughts in your mind that make you super afraid of specific things, even though these things are not dangerous.
People with phobias try their best to avoid these moments. Sometimes, they go way out of their way to avoid these situations.
Symptoms of phobias include:

  • Extreme fear of specific triggers
  • Inability to control fear
  • Anxiety, panic, or scares
  • Shortness of breath
  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Avoidance behaviors

Don’t think twice. Contact us for further support and the best treatment possible.

Myths About Phobias?

There are some myths about the common phobias. Although these myths are not real, people avoid facing such situations and events as well.
Some common myths about the phobias that people believe include:

  • People with phobias are crazy
  • Phobias are just the fears that are injected into the minds of people
  • People with a phobia are not serious
  • Phobias are just the mind game that can dominate you
  • Phobias can’t be reduced and overcome
  • Phobia is a weakness
  • Phobias arise due to the traumatic conditions that come across in your life.

Scolionophobia Definition

Scolionophobia is an irresistible fear of school for adults. In such a situation, children refuse to go to school and start crying. Sometimes. They bunk from the school.
Additionally, it is not clinically diagnosed, but it’s often due to many other anxiety disorders.
School refusal is more likely to emerge in children when they start high school after passing out from middle school. In brief, it is stated as follows:

  • Fear of School
  • School Phobia
  • School Anxiety

List of Top 10 Phobias

Below, you will find a list of the greatest common phobias people face around the world:



Arachnophobia is the fear of spiders. People in this situation might think unusually about spiders crawling around their bodies.
Fear of spiders becomes a phobia when it affects your thoughts, inhibits your daily activities, and isolates you from your family and friends.



Acrophobia is one of the 10 phobias: fear of heights. More than 6% of people are affected by it. People who have acrophobia can have panic attacks. It causes them to avoid high places like towers, bridges, or tall buildings.

It’s normal to have some degree of fear when facing any heights. So, this phobia involves an intense fear that can result in avoidance behaviors and panic attacks.


Aerophobia is the fear of flying. It affects 10% and 40% of U.S. adults who fear airplane accidents.
Symptoms commonly linked with aerophobia include:

  • Trembling
  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Feeling disoriented.

Hence, this phobia can cause people to evade flying altogether.
Aerophobia is often reduced by exposure therapy. In such a therapy, the person is gradually introduced to flying to face the fear.



Cynophobia is also one of the 10 phobias that is the fear of dogs. It is often connected with specific personal experiences, including being bitten by a dog during early childhood.
These events can be very upsetting and cause fear responses that continue into adulthood.



ophidiophobia is the most common phobias. It is the fear of snakes that most people experience.
Moreover, it can be caused by personal experiences and cultural influences. Some recommend that because snakes can be poisonous, avoid such danger.



Papyrophobia combines the Greek word “papyri” and the Egyptian word “papyrus,” which means paper. People are afraid to touch or write anything on paper.
In addition, papyrophobia is the fear of an utterly illogical paper. People who have papyrophobia have an unusual fear of the paper spreading around.



Panphobia is an extreme and unreasonable fear of everything. The exact reason for Panphobia is unknown.
People avoid situations connected to possible danger. Nevertheless, it is supposed to be related to environmental, genetic, and psychological factors.


Trypanophobia is the fear and anxiety of injections. In such a situation, people avoid medical treatments and doctors.
Additionally, it’s observed that 20%-30% of adults are affected by Trypanophobia. When people with this phobia come across in front of an injection, they avoid taking it.
Their heartbeat gets fast, and some may even pass away along with this phobia.



Mysophobia is the extreme fear of dirt and germs. People facing this phobia are more conscious about their cleanliness and wash their hands repeatedly.
They avoid touching anything without being contaminated. In some situations, this phobia may lead to obsessive-compulsive disorder.

10.Social Phobia

Social Phobia

Social phobia is the last one on the list of 10 phobias mentioned above. So, it is the fear of social gatherings. During such situations, people avoid attending events and social activities.
Furthermore, it also leads to social anxiety disorders. Social fear develops during the mother’s pregnancy and has an impact on the infant.

6 Basic Human Fears

Fear and anxiety are root emotions that prevent us from being wealthy.
Napolean Hill has mentioned the 6 basic fears in his Classic book – Think and Grow Rich:

  1. Fear of Poverty
  2. Fear of Ill-health
  3. Fear of Criticism
  4. Fear of Old Age
  5. Fear of Death
  6. Fear of Loss of Love of Someone

What Is the Stupidest Phobia?

The stupidest phobia is arachibutyrophobia. The fear of peanut butter sticks to the top of your mouth roof.
Most of the time, people refuse to eat peanut butter because they fear chewing it and sticking it all around their mouths.
Although this process has happened to everyone at one point, at such point, people with arachibutyrophobia are terrified of eating it.

To Sum Up

After reviewing the top 10 phobias mentioned above, you can consider whether they are fearless or frightened. Certainly, you’ll go with courageous situations to cope with them.
By reading all the above phobias, you might get help if you observe any of them.

Therefore, you may reach out to us at Treasure Behavioral Health


What is the number 1 phobia in the world?

Social phobia is considered the number 1 phobia all across the world. It is when people avoid communicating with others and attending any event.

What is bogyphobia?

It is the fear of the boogeyman. So, it is the fear of demons, goblins, and other paranormal beings.

What are the 4 extensive phobias?

the four most extensive phobias include:

  1. The fear of spiders
  2. The fear of snakes
  3. The fear of public speaking
  4. Fear of heights

What’s the rarest phobia?

The rare phobias include:

  • Fear of walking.
  • Fear of vomiting.
  • Fear of peanut butter.
  • Fear of mirrors.
  • Fear of making decisions.
  • Fear of long words.

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